Acupuncture is the placement of tiny, sterile needles into specific points on the body. It is the primary protocol in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). With proper placement, the acupuncturist can relieve pain, reduce inflammation, affect hormones, increase oxygen and blood flow to a targeted area and reduce stress reactions. It can strengthen immunity and regulate body systems.
What To Expect
Health History
Physical Exam
Essential Oils (possibly)
Needle Placement
Feel Better
We will go through the health history form together which covers physical, mental and emotional factors. It is our opportunity to get to know one another. Chinese Medicine is holistic so everything that is happening in your life affects your health. I will look at your tongue (it is a map of what is happening in your body). I will feel your pulse and touch points on your body that give me feedback for how your energy is moving. We may use some essential oils on points on your body, if you are open to that. Then I place the needles.
The style of acupuncture that I do does not put the needles where the pain is located. If we want to turn on a light on the ceiling, we don’t have to climb up on a chair to turn it on. We flip a switch on the wall and send energy to the light. I am doing the same thing with the needles. From upstream, we send our message to the area. You will rest for about a half hour.
What To Wear
Most of the points I use are on the arms and legs. If you wear loose fitting clothing that allows you to roll up pant legs and sleeves, it makes it easier. We do have gowns if necessary.
What Is Chinese Herbal Therapy?
Acupuncture works for up to 72 hours after the treatment. Some patients report feeling a change while they are on the table, yet others feel relief the next day or the second day after treatment. Chinese herbal formulas can continue doing the work of the needles between our visits. I have found over the years that most people prefer capsules for their herbal formulas. I am able to order powders for those that prefer to drink herbal teas. Adding herbs to the treatment plan often shortens the length of treatment and helps the body heal more quickly.
Do You Take Insurance?
I am in network with most insurance companies. We realize that insurance coverage can make treatment more affordable. Insurance coverage varies from state to state. Contact your insurance provider to learn what kind of care is covered. Here are a few questions to ask:
Will my plan cover acupuncture?
How many visits per calendar year?
Do I need a referral?
Do I have a copay?
Do I have a deductible?
If yes, has it been met?
What We Treat
Acupuncture is a full system of medicine. I have done additional training with psycho-emotional disorders, i.e, PTSD, anxiety, depression. Acupuncture treats pain and inflammation and can help with auto-immune disorders. It helps regulate systems in the body. Acupuncture is recognized by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety of medical problems. Below are some of the health concerns that acupuncture can effectively treat: